Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Tsunami Warning" for Sandpipers

After going to local beachbreak and jetty spots--and turning up unremarkable subject matter everywhere I went--I headed up to the PV Peninsula to do the PV secret-spot shuffle.  Unfortunately, I ended up chasing phantom waves.  The wind was either making waves that broke erratically at the premiere breaks, or the angle of the swell missed the protected coves.

At best, the Peninsula's fickle waves are an irksome, taunting riddle.  However, it sure is a beautiful place [click photo to enlarge]--

 These surfers dodged multiple sets that could have produced great rides, so I eventually left for greener pastures--or so I thought...
 ...upon arriving at San Pedro's Cabrillo Beach, I witnessed a Sandpiper outrunning what, from his perspective, likely looked like a tsunami...
...but despite the "massive" set that almost slammed the bird, this feral cat kept his cool.


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