Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Gnar: Thoroughly Shredded (courtesy of Jovanni Cardoso)

The San Pedro Show, brought to you by Channel Street Skatepark:

Jovanni Cardoso, going where apparently only Daewon Song has gone before--skateboarding over the potentially deadly "keyhole" doorway,  backside.  His back, right wheel is perilously hanging over the edge of the wall and in thin air.  Upon review, I believe his truck just missed catching on this incredible make that brought the house down!
 Cool-toned backside smith
skater: Jovanni Cardoso
Jovanni Cardoso feels the warmth of the sun while grinding through a backside smith.

Until next time,



Anonymous said...

That last picture is solid. Good work Marcus.

Marcus Bockman, Editor said...

Greetings, anonymous comment poster--thanks for the compliment! These photos came from a great, productive session. Jovanni was ripping and putting himself on the line for every trick. The beautiful light was just an added bonus.