Sunday, January 22, 2012

Wild, Unruly Surf and Swell-Sheltered Curls

 El Porto's erratic, huge waves' height clocked in at "if you have to ask how big these waves are, you shouldn't go out"...
 ...while a well-known South Bay proving ground for surfers was also large, but not as potentially life-threatening...
...and this zone proved to be "just right" for this surfer shooting the curl.

More photos from today may be posted on the blog soon; I am submitting the best of the beastly barrel shots to media outlets.   Links will be provided to off-site published shots!



Anonymous said...

Marcus - it's nice to see you thinking outside the box. I'm impressed with your progression. Keep up the good work.

Marcus Bockman, Editor said...

Hi AC! Thanks for the compliments! I figure if I stand where everyone else stands I won't get anything different. So, I'm constantly looking for a way to position myself that, in the least, isn't being done by other photographers where I'm shooting. And at best, it hasn't been done before.